Sunday, February 27, 2011

TransMasters Magazine, Winter 2011 Edition!

At long last, the next exciting installment of the TransMasters Magazine is ready! You can check it out here:

Comments are welcome! Also, contributions for future issues are also always welcome!

(One note: Opening Shots, part two is running behind schedule and not quite ready yet. I hope to have it done in a few more days but I didn't want to hold the issue back any longer as it was intended for February and is in danger of growing stale. When part two is done and up, I'll post an update and let everybody know).

Also, Peter Phelps had originally done up a Valentine's Day pic for the issue but since things took longer then planned, I didn't include it (since it would be dated now). The pic in question was also on his Facebook page though, if anyone's curious what it looked like.

- Thunder

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