Saturday, December 06, 2014

The Light Odyssey returns!

A bit off-topic, but...

To commemorate the 20th Anniversary of the original publication of The Light Odyssey, may I present these all-new tales. These stories will eventually help comprise the second volume of the Tales of the Destara (whenever I get it finished). These stories take place after the first story (The Light Odyssey. It's FREE at right now. ) so I recommend reading that story first so these make sense. 

Dark Interlude. Straxus and Switchblade discuss recent events in their Universe.

The Project. Deceptar schemes to expand his power to the nth degree!

Matters of Survival. A Rebel pilot awakens in the worst possible place and must fight to survive.

The Farewell. Fury lost his twin brother and he must deal with the pain or be consumed by it. 

Comments are always welcome! :) 

- Thunder